Ok...so I'm sitting at home relaxing and committing the mortal sin of having the TV on at what I like to call the 'receptive hour'. For those of you not in-sync with that description here is brief -
'The receptive hour'
- Is the time when you're conscious but not necessarily at the height of your mental abilities...kinda like your brain is working, but it isn't 'working' if you get what I mean? Its kinda like your most vulnerable time of any day, a time where the silliest suggestions actually get some brain processing time. So what would normally register as a sack of excrement to your fully functioning brain, is actually being considered (even mildly) by this less sophisticated version of your cerebral self.
The receptive hour is normally at night, late at night and you normally know when the time is because 1 of 2 things happen
1. Party Political Broadcasts (Election campaigning normally)adverts come on or
2. Laughable environmental 'save our planet' adverts grace your screen!
Whats wrong with that you say?
On the surface I would probably agree with you, but then I can't help but ask, "Why the hell are they showing this at this time of night? Is the environment only important at night? Do voters only watch TV in the twilights?".
I think the truth is, 'they' know you are at your most vulnerable when you're sleepy and so will use this time to sell you non-sense, I mean take for instance the 'save the trees' campaign I heard the other night:
"The world is changing, carbon emissions are damaging our atmosphere and more and more of our planets species are becoming extinct. 'What can you do?' Give just £2 a month to help stop deforestation in the developing world and give our children a chance"
BullSHIT! I'm sorry but how can me giving £2 a month stop trees from being cut down...? Surely if you turn the fu@%ing chainsaws off, save the extra fuel from the trucks and diggers that would decrease some of the the carbon emissions that are "damaging our atmosphere" and stop you trying to mug me off at 3am!
Funny thing is before I got to this opinion I was nearly sold...I guess bullshit marketing at the 'receptive hour' is a powerful marketing tool.
And still irant...
1 comment:
I here this one. The world(I take that back, the people in it) has gone mad and there want to take us with them - No siree bubba....
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