OK...so I know this is probably the least important thing on your mind at any one time, but I have to say it's one of those minute annoyances that is gaged just right to hack me off, but not enough for a full on public outburst. Like I said, I know there are more pressing issues that are even more annoying like Bankers bonuses or Bogus Save Our Planet commercials or the fact that Pork seems to be in everything these days. But the ratio of Hot Dog Rolls to Hot Dogs is seriously messed up!
*Lets do the math*
The minimum number of hot dogs one can buy is 6 in a pack, but you can buy hot dogs (sausages) in any of the following combinations 6,8,10,12...which is great!
The crap part comes when analyzing the natural partner of the sausage; the hot dog roll. These are strangely sold in the following multiples 6.... and here in lies the problem, if you buy an 8 pack of hot dogs, your always gonna have 2 extras sausages, if you buy a 10pack, 4 ...you get the drift. So am I right in thinking if I choose to buy an 8 or 10 pack of sausages so the children in my house can ALL have hot dogs I have to buy more bread than is actually going to be used? Essentially throwing away 2 healthy hot dog rolls? Now where is the sense in that....just pisses me off.
(Yes I know you can eat the rolls with something else....but work with me here)
Maybe I have issues......
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