[Excuse] Hey lovely people of the world, I've been on a serious hiatus....I mean a SERIOUS hiatus. This is officially my first blog of 2011, that means I didn't get the chance to wish you a 'Happy New Year' or even a 'Happy Easter'. I won't insult your intelligence by telling you some story about how busy I've been....because in truth....
OK so I have been busy, in fact I've been quite busy involved in something, but I won't go into the details of that, just know I'm not engaged and 'she' is not pregnant....not that I have a 'she' to impregnate...anyway that's, yet another story.[End of Excuse]
So...given the period and duration of my absence loads of 'things' have happened, there has been global 'freaky' weather, Earthquakes, civil uprisings, assassinations and the release of some pretty good films. Given how eventful the world has been, you'd think the thing to bring me back with a rant would be something of epic proportions, right? right? .....WRONG!
The 'thing' that has bought me back...the issue of paramount importance that has seen me grace my page again, is probably the most unlikely of issues to raise my concern, I'm even somewhat ashamed that this issue has summoned me. The truth is my simple brain is unable to see past the blatant cheek of it...I guess, you've guessed it by now?
Prince Williams WEDDING!
Yes, I know, loads of people have given their view on this subject over and over and over again! But I REALLY consider the funding of the Royal wedding to be a major piss take.
Lets take the patriotism out of the equation and look at this objectively. I'm firmly of the opinion, that a man shouldn't marry a woman unless he can afford to. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not talking anything particularly 'posh' or 'over the top' public displays of opulence, I'm just talking about the fundamental principle of the ceremony (registry office included).
Therefore I take great offense to my tax contributions being used to pay for Prince William to be wed. Not only can he afford it, he is a member of a vast financial support network that comprises mainly of blood relatives...for f@*k sake they are ROYALTY!
Let us suggest for a moment that Prince William didn't have the money for the wedding (we know he does, but work with me here), surely his father should be honoured to pay for his son's wedding, isn't that something a father would feel happy to do? Maybe happier if it was a daughter, but happy non-the-less, no?
OK, so for one minute let us suggest, Charles doesn't have the funds for whatever reason, there is the Queen, Williams grandmother. Now what more of a gift can a grandmother give her grandson than a paid for wedding? £80mil is a drip to the Royals and to HRH especially.
I've only mentioned the big heavy hitters here, but I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this? Given the above I find it EXTREMELY difficult to understand, overstand or justify why we the public have had to fork out for this wedding.
There are people who have no roof over their heads and could do with a little financial aid. There are people who are working and making a contribution to society but the cost of living sees them balancing the tight rope of 'staying afloat', these same people have mastered the art of working without getting to enjoy their labour.
In short there are too many people that are from all walks of society that could have done with not having to pay for this wedding....£81m would normally be a 'modest' amount of money, but in this time of 'austerity' even nationally this figure is useful....yet I saw Prince William and his bride prancing around on my TV and the TV of millions of others world wide.
Not to be totally ignorant, I heard that the 'event' of the wedding should generate around £100m (loose info don't quote me) from all the TV rights and coverage. This was part of the justification used to swindle...I mean inveigle the £81m out of the coffers in the first place, its seen as a business transaction. The premise was to spend £81m to make £19m..... now given the possibility that the rest of the world could have said "Why would I want to watch a wedding with the price of wheat being so damn high?" this 'business' move was quite risky...if the world had said that and nobody bought into the rights to air the wedding, if nobody showed interest in the wedding at all, we'd have paid £81m for nada!
What would the explanation for that outcome have been?
Prince William, I appreciate your family has been taking the micky out of the British public and all members of the British empire since 'Jesus was a boy', but if I remember rightly your mum was against it and did her best not to fall fowl of certain elitist ways...notice how the public loved her? Please do not fall shy of her grace and glory and become...(for poorer choice of words) "one of them".
Prince William, your a cool cat, just a shame you come from such a tight fisted family. On a serious note though, pay for your own stuff in the future....there is a certain dignity and pride about it... Thanks!
iRant cos surprisingly I have the appetite for it again!
Nice to have you back.
Muy apreciado
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