Good day reader, how is the world with you? Fine I hope?
Things on my side of the bed have been ....eventful. If I'm blessed enough to have you as a regular reader, then I guess you've read tales of my redundancy, my struggle to understand 'unemployment TV' and my campaign to again find work.
I'm quite happy to announce that the end of my story is not disimilar to that of a fairy tale or a hollywood blockbuster; 'happy ever after' well at least for now.
I managed to secure a position, permanent even. I can't but give praise onto a true friend who helped out in this respect, he heard my story and was in a position to help....Its good to talk! The role does have me deviate from my career path a little, but in these times of 'austerity measures' I'm unshamefully glad to have any form of paid work....and there lies the problem.
Whilst unemployed, I experienced a rollercoaster of emotions comprising of conflicting ideologies of society and the way we as people operate in 'civilisation'. I had the opportunity to WATCH the news (there is a difference between watching the news and WATCHING the news), I had the opportunity to talk to people about how they feel in general about work and more importantly life and on the back of this mini research I've concluded that "The Matrix" (the film) is probably one of the most accurate analogies of modern life there is to find. For those who have seen the film you should understand exactly what I mean by that comment, those who haven't or have seen it but don't agree watch it (again).
I was overwhelmed at how many people view the quality of their lives purely on the basis of how much income they generate, that is both male and female. My biggest shock is how easily I too begun to think like this, but I'll sherk the responsibilty of that mindset and blame external influences.
I've learnt a little about myself in this brief jobless interlude, I've come to appreciate the extent of my own resilience, I've come to appreciate that I really have a 'never die' attitude even when its bleek and there really doesn't seem to be much in the way of options. My tolerence for bullshit has increased a fair deal, I'm generally a more rounded individual after this campaign....
So here I am, on public transport (that I hate so much) doing the daily commute like all the other cattle....I mean members of the workforce, the girl sitting two seats away is eating smokey bacon chrisps and the whole carriage smells like pork rind...I smile to myself as a week ago I didn't have a need to be on the tube because I was unemployed...
iMoan, whilst remaining thankful for all mercies...
1 comment:
I too have been on that side journey it really has made me appreciate the little rather than living for the lot. Sometimes a visit to your core will help you really appreciate and understand your crust.
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