I'll be totally honest I don't actually know why I'm even bothering to rant about this, because basically its true.
I mean, people have enough trouble controlling themselves under normal circumstances without adding an addictive substance to the mix, so its a given that someone addicted to a narcotic substance shouldn't really be in a position of power, especially in a position of power over others...right?
Here is the problem, thinking along the most basic of lines, I wouldn't trust a heroin addict with the controls of a car that I am in. That goes for all forms of transport. Equally I probably wouldn't trust the said person with my bank details. Yes I'm blanketing, no I am not looking at the individual for who they are...I'm sorry but F&$K That! They can't be trusted!!!!!
There must be something wrong with me, because I thought that was cut and copy...BUT! it turns out not to be the case!
*Lets go back, way back....back into, oh you get the picture*
OK so I first started looking for famous people with narcotic habits...I knew this would reap an instant plethora of results, it almost had to, celebs have a lot of time on their hands and 'excess unproductive time - focus = folly'...(I like that formula, I should patent it). So I wasn't surprised that I was inundated with results, here are a select few:
(I will no doubt crush the image of some of your heroes...)
Charles Dickens – The author of A Tale of Two Cities and A Christmas Carol was addicted to opium for many years and used the drug heavily right up to the time of his death (by massive stroke).
Florence Nightengale – It was discovered after her death that the most famous nurse who ever lived was a notorious opium users.
Sigmund Freund - physician, "Father of Psychoanalysis". (Cocaine)
Salvador Dali - painter "Everyone should eat hashish, but only once."
OK, so out of this small list the first 3 really surprised me, I didn't have a clue about their personal habits.
So like I said it wouldn't be hard finding celebs with addictions, so I thought let me stay in line with the subject of the rant and see if I could find any influential, important, global figures that were a little lacking of self control...oh shit I wish I didn't!!!
Brace yourself for this list:
Marion Barry - mayor of Washington, D.C. (Cocaine)
Bono Sonny - U.S. Senator, actor (Prescription Drugs)
George W. Bush - Governor of Texas (Cocaine)
Winston Churchill - British prime minister (Opium and Alcohol)
Grover Cleveland - U.S. president (Cocaine)
William Clinton - U.S. president "Well, I did smoke pot, but I didn't inhale." (Marijuana)
Ram Daas - psychologist, author, guru (LSD)
Ben Franklin - inventor, publisher, scientist, American statesman. (Opium and Marijuana)
Ulysses S. Grant - U.S. president (Cocaine and Alcohol)
Thomas Jefferson - U.S. president, inventor, architect, marijuana farmer. (No surprises here Marijuana)
Joseph McCarthy - U.S. Senator (Opium)
Nixon, Richard - U.S. President (Dilantin)
Plotinus - Roman philosopher, 205-270 AD (Opium)
Right...so I made sure to make this second list longer (significantly) than the first, now just at a glance I can see that the evidence blows the stereotype away. Not only because there are so many entries, but the position held by the entries are quite simply, that of the most powerful/influential in the world!!!!
There have been 43 US presidents, 5 of which appear on this list and of those 5, 3 were on *Class A* narcotics. Now strictly speaking what people do in their own time should have nothing to do with what you do at work (unless your a pilot or coach driver drinking heavily 2hrs before your flight/shift) but I really cannot find comfort in the idea that I'm going to elect/support a person that is losing the battle with their own will power. My simple sense won't allow it!!!
What is really interesting about this list is not limited to the people on it, I'm looking at a broader concept here. The people on this list have addictions and huge responsibilities, so where does my formula from earlier fit in? 'excess unproductive time - focus = folly'...are these influentials actually busy at all?
Deeper still is the idea that 'anyone' can be in a position of power and control, even drug addicts. I love the concept in principle but I am extremely pissed off about the fact that this concept doesn't filter down to lower levels of society. I know it sounds scary but I think in a funny way it would have a reverse effect on the crime rate, humour me here, imagine if your neighbourhood 'junky' didn't have wait till you left your house unattended so he/she could rob it? Imagine if he/she had to make his/her own way to their employment? Like actually leave the same time as you....
That would be an instant decrease in the crime rate and number of unemployed (no I'm not saying all the unemployed are criminals or junkies).
Imagine the working environment, competition would be high in the work place because any prospect of a raise or a bonus means 'MORE DRUGS' and so they would work harder than your average 'Joe'. In fact the only issue I can see is with the heroin addicts taking a hit at lunch time and ...well....not coming back for 4hrs (time it takes for functional consciousness to resume - subject to individual of course). Junkies would love to have a sustainable revenue stream....giving them jobs would provide that...definitely!
I'm so sorry I digressed massively there! Back to the list of 'influentials'...the standout feature of the list for me was how many people used Opium. Its an overwhelming number and I'm not sure why...that is something else I have to look into.
The list would have the gullible believe that American Presidents/Senators are partial to drugs, or that Opium is OK if your ever in office or position of power...but that aside that, the most ironic piece of comedy out of all this (for me anyway) is that Adolf Hitler, (Mr 45 degree salute) didn't partake in any narcotics at all...none, he didn't drink or smoke. With regards to his relationship with drugs he was a paragon of virtue...
iRant and I recon we should give junkies a chance to be in positions of power...oh sorry it seems we already have.
The world is just one, great big contradiction. We (the powers that be) will lock you up and throw away the key if you (mis)use excessive drugs, whilst we, on the other hand, will (mis)use them to our hearts content, whilst passing laws that forbid YOU to do the same! Unless, of course, the (mis)use of narcotics will result in you living in squalor, outside of my sight where I don't have to worry about your sorry ass!!
iRant, cos you made me do it! LOL
That is some cold hard truth wrote down there Simple Simon. (,I don't believe for one second you are simple at all)
Wait until I get into it with some of the dignitories I will be pulling this one out the back solidly.
I like this moan to the maximum.
u rock homie, get 'em!
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