Racism! My all time favourite subject...I absolutely relish the opportunity to witness some verbal racism, love it, love it, love it! Not because its actually enjoyable, but because some of the stupidity that comes from the minds of some people is absolutely hilarious... For example, if you open another tab on your browser and navigate to www.google.com (I don't know why that wouldn't be your home page but hey, each to their own) and type in the following :
"Can I get ai"
Do NOT and I repeat DO NOT hit search or enter on the keyboard, just wait for Google's search engine to toss up some 'suggestions'... the very first suggestion that comes up is actual hilarity, it is the silliest thing I've heard outside of "How much is a 1.99 meal?". This is the reason I love racism so much...please do not misunderstand me, I'm not an advocate of racism or racist conduct, I'm just entertained by the ignorant verbal (or written) results.
The title of this post is an equation, well in actual fact its not, simply because StereoTypes + Ignorance does not equal Racism, its a little more complex than that, however when you initially read it, it seems to make sense and so thats how I labelled it!
Closer scrutiny will confirm that a 'Stereotype' as part of its nature, is quite close to ignorance in its basic form, being that a Stereotype is standardized and simplified conceptions of groups, based on some prior assumptions. These standardized/simplified concepts and assumptions are NOT often based on objective truth, in fact they are normally centered around subjective or even unverifiable content-matter. So you are often audience to some really stupid submissions and I just can't help but laugh!
Ignorance or at least the concept of it is a funny thing in itself, in its implicit form the word means "something or someone who is uninformed" this is neither a good or bad thing...its just a thing. However the word 'ignorant' is tossed around quite freely and often to make the recipient feel inferior to the sender! More over I think the word 'ignorant' is often used in place of the word 'stubborn', which is done out of ignorance I guess (lol this is funny). I think ignorance is often the fuel for stereotypes and because stereotypes are usually about a specific group of people I would liken that combination to prejudice and once prejudice turns up to a party that stereotypes and ignorance are hosting there will be nothing but racism as a result.....*takes deep breaths*.
Right now I've got that off my chest time for some examples:
Pets in the West have life the best
Blacks and chicken
Vicars are kiddie fiddlers - Well this used to be a stereotype.. (I know I know low blow.)
Rednecks are inbreds - No comment
Drug addicts shouldn't be in positions of power
All Muslims are terrorists - Absolute bullshit!
Jews are particularly frugal - Erm...no comment
Origin of 'Nigger'
Hmmmm...I'm enjoying this ranting I tell ya!
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