*Drum roll please* - Here marks the beginning of the 'iMoan' series. You may be looking at your screen with tilted brow as you seek to justify the difference between a 'Rant' and a 'Moan'. Normally I would dig up the dictionary definition of both words then post it, in order to aid the process of highlighting the difference, however on this occasion I will just tell you what the difference is from my point of view.
If you have been reading my Rants, I hope you will agree that they are largely 'fact based opinion' (I said 'largely' not all but majority). Well my Moans, will be 'conspiracy based opinion', that is not to say that I am a conspiracy theorist but there will be many submissions that will probably have some damning implications. What will be evidently clear, is the lack of links/charts/diagrams giving statistical basis to the Moan.
Right those are the formalities out the way!
It is such an un-alluring status, I'm not sure if that is because it actually is, or if we have been taught to appreciate it as so. All I know for sure is, the declaration "I'm currently unemployed" sounds like an excuse, even when its a genuine circumstance and believe me, I'm not happy that I think/feel this way. I'm not happy for a number of reasons but the one that is most prominent is that fact that I'm not entirely sure the reason is one I've come to appreciate for myself or come to accept from society....
What I mean is, when you tell someone "I'm unemployed", I sincerely believe that a majority of people will consider it an excuse and as such consider you a 'fibber'. Now I'm in the situation, I know its not necessarily the case that you are making excuses for being "unemployed"....there are genuine circumstances that could proceed the status.
Circumstances like being made 'Redundant'. Now, at this particular moment in time, I feel incline to inform you that the reason for this post/post series, purely originates from the word 'Redundant'. I mean what in Jesus is someone supposed to take from being made 'Redundant'?
Now if you are looking at the screen, puzzled and wondering what has got my goat this day, I would urge you to take a quick peek at the dictionary definition 'Redundant'....don't worry, no need to go search for it here it is:
Redundant - deprived of one's job because it is no longer necessary for efficient operation: he has been made redundant
(Now before you jump to arms at the fact that I've only quoted one reference for the term, I urge you to asses the others listed and then consider whether they are suitable or indeed in context of an employment situation....?).
Call me sensitive, but depending on the way this sentiment is sold to you, is dependent on how
a) you feel about it
b) you feel about the company
c) you feel about yourself
If you are called into an office and told: "We have identified the possibility that you may be made redundant" please take heed and note that either the company, or the person who is delivering the news does not like you
If however you are called into a office and told "We have identified the possibility that your position may be made redundant" Chances are there is a genuine need for the business change or the company/message deliverer doesn't like.
As you can see from my two examples, the difference is two words. These two words dramatically change the impact and meaning of the message. That is a matter of English and is common in the language, what is damning however is the term 'Redundant'. In employment terms it means the above, but as a general term it means
surplus to requirements; unnecessary or superfluous
On their own these words are completely harmless, put in context however and it would seem your employer (soon to be ex) is suggesting, there are either to many people committing your role, or you are in fact no longer required.
These are both concepts that directly contradict your early doctrine. Now I say this based on the assumption that in your early years, you had loved ones and these loved ones in their infinite (inherited) wisdom, would make declarations on to you:
"You are special, don't let anybody tell you different, no matter what people say you are special, unique, irreplaceable"
"The world is your oyster"
"Anything you work hard for and give your best effort, you will achieve
"What's wrong those statements"..would be my guess at what your thinking. You will be happy to know that I don't consider anything to be 'wrong' with either statement.
Your parent, carer or loved one did make a mistake with the above statements though, the mistake has little to do with the words or the underlying sentiment. Your loved one's forgot to tell you that you are all those things in their eyes, not necessarily anybody else's...
So multiply all the comments by a few years and ingrain it in your mentality, then fast forward to being told your being made 'Redundant'....see the conflict? Now although your love one will hold an irreplaceable point of importance in your life, somewhere subconsciously you've cemented the image of your 'employer' to be of greater importance on matters of your career progress. As your employment is responsible for keeping that roof over your head and that food on your table, the weaker mind would start to believe that they are indeed 'Redundant'.
Now I'd admit on a single ocassion my 'theory' (if it can be called that) would seem extreme, but if one was to be made 'Redundant' from their last 3 or 4 jobs, it could be a different story....
With a language so eloquent, so well equipped for all scenarios and situations, telling someone they are 'Redundant' seems archaic. I mean there must be at least 100 other ways you could pass the message on without using a word, that is associated with other themes, which in turn are associated with the ideas of surplus or 'waste'.
iMoan because I am not Redundant, I've merely outgrown your limited role...
Great post and one that I can definitely identify with. However, I am 110% sure, that no employer is (a) supposed to tell you that YOU are redundant and (b) that all/any associated paperwork with the redundancy of your role, states just that, that your ROLE has been put 'at risk' or that your ROLE has become redundant.
This is something that I spent a large amount of time stressing to various people last year, for the same reasons you mentioned; they began to think it was personal, and took the news to mean THEY were surplus to requirement.
Glad to see you're writing again :)
That post hit a raw nerve as I have had the same experience some two years ago. I was left feeling like a spare part with no viable use. It's all good now as on reflection I realised the job was surplus to MY requirements. I firmly believe God takes us away from situations that will no longer benefit us. I am now happier than ever doing the things I always wanted to do but was afraid I might lose MY JOB.
Ain't that something.
You take your time, look around in the world and see what the good lord has in line for you, it will be spectacular.
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