Wednesday, 30 March 2016

iRant: Voluntary ignorance

The human condition is a pungent discharge.

We have a near mortal dependance to knowledge or the appearance of. Being 'wrong' or 'not knowing' has become the epitome of human fear.

We've attacked the offending idea with fervent fervor (a keen strategic positioning we think), because we can't admit that we don't know what we are doing.

Evidence of this can be found in the observation of the religious texts.

At some point in history our ego must have decided it didn't ever want to not know and so it created a story that would explain all that we marvel at in the world. Some might say thats also a good argument that the stories form some part of a true account as why would they continue to be told? Who knows...

What I know for sure is that when people lose sight of how something works, we conveniently make some unobtainable body responsible for it. Some cosmic ambiance, an almighty omnipresence, a complex contradiction of concepts designed purposely to make it hard to define or decipher. A body so powerful it could explain everything you recently realized you don't know. We cement the relationship by praising our creation instead of praising creation.

Our ability to consider our species as the centre of existence is exceptional.

So it really comes as no surprise that we could be caught in the following characteristic entanglement:

Certain members of the human species have developed an intense love of/for animals...they express this love by culturally assassinating their chosen animal of love. A curious contradiction.

If you asked "whats the culture of a dog", I consider the culture of a thing to be what that thing does with inherent perpetuance. It is therefore the culture of a dog to be a dog and a human to be human etc.

By loving a dog to the point that it is considered a member of your family you are culturally assassinating the dog, because you are by your actions completely ignoring what it is to be a dog and considering/treating a dog humanely. Dogs should be treated dogly.

When the dog does what we want it to, we consider it really clever and sometimes if the dog saves our life we might consider it an emotionally intelligent animal (not saying animals lack emotional intelligence...I really don't know).

I find it funny that if that same animal 'runs away from home' the 'owner' will put up posters imploring you, the 'conscious citizen', to help the vulnerable dog come home. Why is it never suggested that the emotionally intelligent animal is fed up of being treated like a human and so left home to go do some stuff it has been thinking about doing for a while? Why does the dogs intelligence suddenly vanish?

As if the dog example wasn't bad enough there are people that will debate about the relative intelligence between a dog and a cat. Cat lovers tend to consider cats smarter than dogs. So why in the molly frock would a cat owner ever put up posters for the missing cats return? I mean most cat owners know that cats need the ability to come and go as and when they want, so if the cat leaves and doesn't bother to come back, how comes the cat didn't just decide to leave and go live the cat life properly?

I'll be honest, I saw a 'missing cat' poster today and it just pissed me off.